Welcome to my online
bellydance studio ❤
I am very happy you are here. Personally, I am a big fan of online classes. We are all busy and let’s be real, we may need to repeat things to get it to stick. So, I am creating this online space for learning and practicing all the things at your own pace through online pre-recorded classes and scheduled live events. I'm available for online private lessons too.
A little Bit About Me...
Where It All Started
Around 2004, the obsession began when my mom gave me a set of Bellydance VHS tapes. I wanted so much more so I found local classes to begin my studies and the same excitement for learning continues.
My First Show
While I adore all styles within this art, I get really super nerdy excited about Fusion Bellydance because it gives me a place to bring it all together in a unique way.
Fusion Fun
I feel like that is the thing about this dance, there is something about it that brings out a thing in every person I meet that is beautifully unique to them. And that is what I am hoping to help you with.