Welcome to my online

bellydance studio ❤

I am very happy you are here. Personally, I am a big fan of online classes. We are all busy and let’s be real, we may need to repeat things to get it to stick. So, I am creating this online space for learning and practicing all the things at your own pace through online pre-recorded classes and scheduled live events. I'm available for online private lessons too.

A little Bit About Me...

Where It All Started

Around 2004, the obsession began when my mom gave me a set of Bellydance VHS tapes. I wanted so much more so I found local classes to begin my studies and the same excitement for learning continues. 

My First Show

While I adore all styles within this art, I get really super nerdy excited about Fusion Bellydance because it gives me a place to bring it all together in a unique way.

Fusion Fun

I feel like that is the thing about this dance, there is something about it that brings out a thing in every person I meet that is beautifully unique to them. And that is what I am hoping to help you with.

It makes me happy to see others find that thing that makes them shine. It just happens as we get more comfortable in our bodies and our movements.

It helps to focus on strengthening that thing we have been working on. It happens when we just learn to feel the groove and move. I’m hoping I can help you find your inspiration within this dance and we can have a little fun.